2008 Masters of Fine Arts (MFA) in Photography. University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL. U.S.
2002 Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in Printmaking and Photography. NWSA/ UF, Miami, FL. U.S.
1994 Degree in Printmaking, Drawing, Ceramics and Fashion Design. San Alejandro, Havana, Cuba
Additional Education
2007 Universidad de Cantabria, Santander, Spain. Art History “ From Goya to Deconstruction”
2007 GAFAC, CAA conference, New York City
2005 University of Miami Graduate Assistantship, Art and Art History Department.
Exhibitions (Solo)
2009 “Mirror Stage” Books & Books, Coral Gables, FL
2007 “Una Historia Para Niños Basada en un Crimen Real” in collaboration with Ruben Torres Llorca. CCE Miami, Coral Gables, FL
2006 “Recent Photographs” Kunsthaus Contemporary Art, Miami, FL
1994 “Lithographs” Taller Experimental de Gráfica TEGH, La Habana, Cuba
Selected Exhibitions (Group)
2013 "Islands" curated by Kelly Martinez, Cuban-American Phototeque Foundation, CAPF, Miami, FL
2012 "Oikos" curated by Aluna Art Foundation, Spanish CUltural Center, CCE Miami, Fl
"Three women, three languages, three passions" Silvana Faccini gallery, Wynwood, FL
“Women Photographers” 6th Street Art Container, Miami, FL
2009 “11thNational Juried Art Exhibition” The Baker Arts Center, Liberal, KS
2008 “Where are U now? UM alumni showcase. C.A.S. Gallery, University of Miami, FL
“Natural Grouping” Kunsthaus Santa Fe, Mexico
“Neurotic Playground” The Red Head Gallery, Toronto, Canada
“MFA candidates” The Lowe Art Museum, Coral Gables, FL
“L.Dominguez, R.White, P.Moss, Wynwood Project Space, Miami, FL
2007 “Phantasm” University of Miami Project Space, Miami, FL
“In House” Rev. Jorge A. Sardiñas Gallery at St. Thomas University, Miami, FL
“MFA exhibition” The Lowe Art Museum, Coral Gables, FL
“MFA exhibition” UM Wynwood Project Space, Miami, FL
2006 “An Old Fashion Love Statement” Chelsea Gallery, Miami, FL
“Juried Art Show” The Lowe Art Museum, Coral Gables, FL
“Art Basel Wynwood” UM Wynwood Project Space, Miami, FL
2005 “Aerial Terrestrial: Contemporary Art” Miami Dade College Kendall Gallery, Miami, FL
"Visages & Secrets" Laure De Mazieres Gallery, Miami, FL
“2005 Incoming MFA Exhibition” C.A.S. Gallery, University of Miami, FL
“Ephemeral / Trends III” Merrill Lynch arteaméricas 2005
2003 “Thinking Outside the Sphere” Museum of Science. Miami, FL.
“Inside the Paper” Centro Cultural Español. Miami, FL.
2002 “Crowning Perspectives” New World School of the Arts Gallery. Miami, FL
“String Resonance” Miami Dade College Wolfson Gallery. Miami, FL
“Print Soup” African American Council. Miami, FL
“See Saw” Art Center South Florida. Miami, FL
“Lounge 9: BFA Show” New World School of the Arts Gallery. Miami, FL
“Rising Stars” New World School of the Arts Gallery. Miami, FL
“League for Innovation” Miami Dade College Kendall Gallery, Miami, FL
1997 “Think it / Ink it” 25thSouthern Graphics Council. University of South Florida, Tampa, FL
1994 “Art of Cuba” Jose Comaposada Foundation. Barcelona, Spain
“International Prints Exhibition” Balboa Gallery. Panama
“An Invitation to Hope: Contemporary Cuban Painting Exhibition” Regional Museum of Queretaro, Mexico
1991 “III Encounter of the Scientific Journey” San Alejandro School Gallery. Havana, Cuba
Permanent Collections
BASS Museum of Art, Miami Beach, FL.; Jerome Herskowitz, Coral Gables.; Cota Cohen, Coral Gables.; Costa-Peuser Family, Coral Gables.; Marijean & Rafael Miyar, Coral Gables.; J.Tomas Lopez, Miami.; The Barlington Group, Miami, FL.